Friday, May 20, 2011

"Price check on Vagiclean, aisle five. I repeat: price check on Vagiclean, aisle five."

Took Neve to the Phoenix Children's Museum fun! She is at such a GREAT age for that kind of place. It was a madhouse, but we met some friends and had fun exploring.
The grocery store was a big hit. Neve and her little friend loved checking out the groceries. At least she has a fallback career.

weighing beans and painting castles...

Fun day for all. I love when Neve gets to play with kids her age. Playgroups seem so difficult as it's usually kids much younger than Neve, so this was such a nice change!
We walked around downtown afterwards and took the kids out for lunch. Neve had guacamole and blue corn tortillas and I think she was in heaven.

I am looking forward to a night of relaxing here at home with Aaron. I went on a girl date last night and I am feelin the margaritas this morning. HA! Seriously though I met such a fun, REAL, NON-MORMON mom that wants to be friends-HALLELUJAH! She rocks and I am gonna research some 5K stuff for us tonight. So excited to connect with someone again! I have really felt isolated out here in Little Utah- it's nice to meet someone that isn't scared off by my crazy family and all of our "needs". ") Here's to new friends!!!! Glug Glug Glug!

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