Saturday, May 14, 2011

Angry Birds

We have six large ficus trees in our backyard. They are beautiful and we loved them so much- they really made the backyard feel so private. Then we had far too many frost days this winter here in Phoenix and they froze. UGH. Poor trees. We started doing some yardwork today and attempted to start trimming back the ficus trees to help promote regrowth.

A few weeks back we saw some large birds' nests in one of them and I told my husband, let's lovingly call him "Dum-Dum" for anonymity, to NOT TOUCH THE NESTS. What does he do? pulls out a big ol' nest while I am not looking and sure enough, 3 baby birds.

I told Dum-Dum to cram it back up there because there were now some VERY angry birds squawking on my lawn...and by looks of the babies, I am pretty sure these are vultures that are planning to eat my children. Seriously, they started multiplying out of nowhere like some bird gang..or considering where I live, I am thinking perhaps they are Polygamist Mormon birds and they have sent their kind to annoy the shit out of me forevermore.

Let's just hope the momma bird goes back to the nest now and gets her babies. I sent Dum-Dum out with a peace offering scoop of bird seed....we shall see.

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