Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Whatcha wadin' for?

FIELD TRIP! Today, Neve's school headed to Riparian Preserve, for a water filled field day. Yay! ( I think). it was tons of fun- just hot as hell. I am not cut out for the heat and get super cranky. (I know, what's new, right?)
At least EVERY kid had to have a guardian stay so I wasn't stuff being the sole chaperon or anything.
First up was bubble blowing and then duck feeding.

Then mural painting...

Then chillin with her homegirls..

...and of course, hugging. It's what little girls do best.

They went exploring in the creek..Neve is pointing out the ducks downstream..

..Then the bucket brigade..

..and water fights.

..and chasing your teacher down!!

Storytime and then...

a mean game of Duck Duck Goose.

Fun in the sun for sure..and now I am ready to hibernate for the rest of the dang summer.
Ok- I am off to bed. busy week. Nateman's (first round-ha!) IEP is on Friday morning so I will be prepping for that. Hopefully there won't be too many surprises and I certainly do love their faces when I tell them I won't sign until I have time to "reflect". :)
I will update after the meeting. Wish me luck!

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