Thursday, April 21, 2011

...And then he kissed me

Ok. Our little tartlet had her first kiss today on the playground at school. Hilarious. Neve and her boyfriend, Logan, have apparently taken things to the next level. hahahha. I showed up today to hang with her class a bit and help out. They were out on the playground and I found Neve in the wooden playhouse with some boys.
ME: "Neve- what are you doing in there?". NEVE: "kissing Logan and doing laundry."

Um, ok. lol. So darn funny. They then lined up along the fence to get ready to head back into the school and I saw Logan kissing on Neve's cheek and they were giggling so I ran over with my camera to try and catch the moment..

so sweet, right? Well then my little Lolita decides to up the game and pins Logan against the fence and lays one on him. I was rolling. The boys don't stand a chance.

So are 3 year olds going to first base these days???? geesh. Moms, hide your sons. I can't contain her forever. :)

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