Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy as a pig in WHAT did you say, Mom???

Yep- it was my day to volunteer at preschool with Neve. The theme? Mud Pie Kitchen. Ha! I had a blast with the kiddos helping them be, well, KIDS. It was great fun. I think EVERY parent said they pitied me for "having" to help. um, wha??? I love watching the kids! I am forever aware of how lucky I am to have a smart, happy, playful daughter that LOVES having her mom at school. I am going to turn around and she will be 16 and telling me how uncool I am and crying because the Mormon boy next door won't kiss her and she's pissed that the fake ID I made her won't work. Bahahaha!

Could she be any happier at preschool? I think not. :)

Neve was picked to be Fish Feeder today so she got to feed "Bubbles" the class fish.

Painting with chocolate pudding with her friend, Addison.

...showing off her counting skills.


...and of course some little delinquent busted out the hose on the slide.

This little piggy needs a bath.
Great day of fun at if only my mind wasn't on Nate being attacked by Johnny Bites-a-Lot at HIS school. ((Sigh))...more to come on that later. Deciding which can of whoop-ass I am planning on unleashing on the district. Decisions, decisions...

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