Friday, June 24, 2011

From A to Wii...

Garage Sale was a success. It was exactly what I thought it would be. It was 114 degrees outside, so, you know, nice and breezy. The day varied from everything I previously expected- Grandma trying to buy EVERYTHING she could get her wrinkly hands on for 10 the old whacked out guy that peeks into my garage asking if I had poker chips for sale. He's a professional poker player, (duh!), and is looking for practice chips. Look, I know you're lonely and it's incredibly sad, but please move along. You are freaking me out and your zipper is down. Just sayin.

Made a bit over 300$, so I was happy with that considering I wasn't selling any big furniture or anything. I bought Aaron a Wii for Father's Day with it and he is pumped, so hey, it's a win win. One day of Garage Sale Freak Torture for a present for Aaron and kids=WINNING.

Aaron has been wanting a Wii since they came out. I know we are YEARS behind the times, but who cares. I despise video games as they suck away your time. Aaron is so good about that crap but I didn't even want it around. I told him that when the demon spawn are old enough to play with him, we'll get one. Well, they are old enough now and I though just maybe Nate might enjoy it and we can add it to the one half page list of things Nate actually enjoys doing.

I guessed right.

Mario Kart was a success so now we will pick up some more games to start our collection. We are thrilled it's something we can do as a family..especially when it's so dang hot outside.

Otherwise, not much new. Just been a busy week for Aaron at work (with the AZ fires), so I have been puttin the miles on the car haulin both of them to their respective camps, therapies, and playdates. STILL no final word from the school district. They are clearly pushing us off and it's annoying. The main lady pulled at my sympathies by talking about her husband in hospice, but enough is enough. This is a professional relationship and you needs to shit or get off the pot and let someone else on that has decision making authority. Grr. Monday will begin the shit storm I am working on... (not sure what's going on with me and the potty references. odd. lol)

In Neve news, she got a new chore chart and calendar from my mom.

So far it's working. The threat of losing "smileys" is the end of the world for a 3 year old, lol. This weeks targets include, "Stop Whining, Keep Your Hands To Yourself, Share, Clear the Table" and a couple more. I just need to find a cute way to display it, but for now this will do. :)

The weekend is here and it couldn't come soon enough. Tomorrow is a day of shopping with hopeful new mom friends..then dinner with a girlfriend I am very much looking forward to seeing! Yay for a break.

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