Friday, June 3, 2011

Are You Game?

Neve completed another week of Little Gym camp and loves it more than ever. She has two little friends there now and it's quite hilarious to watch her. We call her Julie, the cruise ship social director. She takes her friends around and introduces them to everyone and tells them where she met them. It's so damn funny. Anyway, I am thrilled she loves it there so much. We will be headed back there for more camp in July. For June she will be doing preschool camp and she's pumped for that too. Next week is camping week, so she is ready with her flashlight and binoculars.

Nate, on the other hand, has been my challenge. As predicted, he is proving to be extremely hard to entertain during this break. This is where you can find him every minute of every day if you don't peel him away from it.
This is Nate's computer in the play room. He plays Blue's Clues, Thomas, Reader Rabbit, and Caillou. He is now officially obsessed so we have to limit his time on there. It's so hard when you finally find SOMETHING he likes. I guess he IS spelling out his sight words and such so I won't complain too much. :)

Tomorrow we are headed to a Phoenix resort for a mini getaway. We hope the next couple days will give us a trial run for our Disney trip. We shall see how it goes! All I ask is for the munchkins to sleep. All else we can work out. Grandma Ding got some wonderful health news yesterday so she is coming along to celebrate. She booked the suite next door and Neve is beside herself with excitement.
Wish us luck!

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