Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some "good days"....

The past two days have been good. I had a playgroup here yesterday for Nate and he actually did really well. Usually I end up turning on The Backyardigans in the background just to get Nate to focus and want to stay in the room- but I didn't have to turn anything on at all. He did really well. He did steal a few sippy cups- one of which had milk in it, and I was too slow to grab it before he drank some. It is hard because everyone in his playgroup is GREAT about Nate and we really don't have nuts at ANY of the group functions for that reason...but with this new diet it's not like I can ask everyone to only bring Nate-approved food and drinks- it is just not possible. I do my best to watch him but in the end- if he has a little dairy or whatever, it's not the end of the world..compared to what peanuts do to him.

He is still interacting with us really well and his eye contact is great. Poor Glenn is complaining though since Nate is now "playing" with him all the time. I think there have been a few tail pulls involved. :)

1 comment:

PhotoMom said...

OMG he is adorable. I think you could sell that laugh for a laugh track! It is the greatest laugh ever! :)