Sunday, February 24, 2008

EEG is clear

Well, it has been a busy week. Neve's doc appt went well and the ped is completely on board with my alternative schedule. Score one for the little guy.
Nate's EEG results came back normal- we are thrilled to hear that. Seizures are not something I am ready to think about. I wasn't too worried in the first place since his sleeping patterns are beyond normal and he is always well rested- but hell, what do I know.
Nate did great with therapy this week, and Little Gym too.
We got word that the move to WI is a no-go. I am already house hunting here in Columbus to find a better fit location wise for our family.

1 comment:

innisphoto said...

I am sorry Aaron didn't get the job he wanted, BUT I am soooo happy you guys will be here for a while...hopefully forever! :) (selfish I know!)

Great news about Nate and the EEG.

I hope you can find a great house close to the Therapy...that will save you so much time, and driving, and we are all still close enough to help you when you need it...and visit too!!