Thursday, September 1, 2011

...and they said it would never last

ok, well maybe nobody said that (at least to my face-ha!). This Labor day weekend is our 9th wedding anniversary. Wow- 9 years? feels like 90. :)~

I don't have the best memories of that day. I mean I am eternally grateful that my family and friends were able to fly across country to be with us on that day- but my Dad had just passed away 3 weeks earlier, so the whole day has a low undertone for me. I wish Aaron and I could have a "do-over".

BUT, it is what it is and I am happy to have some great pictures from that day.

I busted out my wedding dress last weekend for Neve to play with. I never preserved it or anything but I just kept it for her to play dress up in some day. :)

I Love you!
..and sorry, but you're stuck with me for a few more. :)

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