Monday, September 5, 2011

Please tell me they go back to school tomorrow...

"Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold.
But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow."

Swimming, homemade ice pops, dress-up, games, puzzles, homemade banana ice cream, swimming, games, ice pops, zoo, swimming......
We pretty much just rotated these things all weekend long. Over. and over. and over again.

I am so glad Aaron had a 3 day weekend off work because he leaves on business soon and I will be flying solo round these parts. Usually I con my mom into driving the hour+ out here to my side of town to help take care of her grand-demon spawn. BUT nooooooooooo. Grandma Ding is livin it up in Maui right now. Must be nice. ..and for the record I have never been to Maui. Just sayin. :)~

Speaking of the demon spawn, they were pretty good this weekend. No huge meltdowns. It's still 105+ here in Phoenix so we stayed cool. We spent a lot of time at the pool. This morning we hit up the zoo at 8am to play in the splash pad area they have there.

You have to go that early or you melt. No lie.

We spent a little time in the Little People play area...

My daughter, Damian.

We didn't stay long. Poor Nate could NOT handle the sand in his crocs. I can't say I blame him. yuck. Most play areas out here in AZ are sand it seems. groooooss.

 ...We swung by a few animals.

Nateman checkin out the elephants.

Then we jumped on the carousel for a quick spin and headed home to beat the heat.

We had a fun weekend but I have a feeling my car will be first in line at the child dropoff area tomorrow at school.... :)

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