Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Don't make me go all due process on you...

Today was our final IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meeting to seal the deal on all of our fights this summer. In other words, it's for them to put in writing every single damn thing I asked for IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Well, I am happy to report it is signed and sealed and all is ready for a great school year.....starting TOMORROW!!!
So..this is my time to say suck it, Gilbert School District. We win..and best of all, Nate wins. He wins the therapies and services he is entitled to. WE will not be spoon fed bullshit, but I appreciate your efforts in trying. We are here to stay and if you pull that, "We don't do that here." or "That's not possible" stuff on us again I WILL go all due process on your ass...
In the meantime, we are wiping the slate clean (til next time) and starting fresh. Nate will be receiving all of the therapies I requested in a 1:1 environment and for the amount of time I demanded. We are setting Nate up for success with all of the support he needs in place BEFORE school starts.
I am in shock that my little guy is now a first grader. That blows my mind considering he is still just 5 yrs old. (crazy AZ cutoffs)

Here's to a great new school year! ....and may all our new school therapists and teachers be amazing, or may God be with them. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Meg, i found your blog through Kellys Korner. We have much in common, i read your entire blog today. You are a great Mom to Nate.

Leslie in AL