Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dance, Billy, Dance!

Neve started a new dance class this week. It's a combo tap/ballet/ and gymnastics. She had a great time and can't wait to go back. She has two of her cute little friends in class with her so I know that helps. She gets so excited to see them on dance day. :)

Getting ready to leave for class. Neve looks so old to me in the first picture! She's only three! NOT TWELVE!

She loved the tap part and actually tried really hard to get the moves right most of the time. I was totally surprised because she USUALLY turns into the "Guess who needs Ritalin?" kid at this kind of stuff. hahaha

Then it was time for ballet...

She is looking forward to next Friday for class #2!

...and I thought I would throw these in for comparison and maybe a laugh or two at my expense. I started ballet or tap when I was 5 (I think) and took classes in a room at St Pat's in Kent, Ohio from Mrs. Beats. I was a hot mess (not that that surprises anyone) and really cared more about making everyone in my class laugh. Again, not a surprise.

Meggie's first tap/ballet recital circa 1983.

Enjoy the laugh!

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