Neve working on floating and blowing bubbles with Tyler the lifeguard.
We belong to the YMCA by our house so she just takes lessons there. It's actually really nice because we can take Nate in the pool at the same time as her lesson and just let him play.
Next we were off for back-to-school haircuts for both kiddos. We just go to those cheesy overpriced kid places with TVs to distract them and glitter to lure in the princesses.
Nate getting Lima Bean rewards for sitting still. :) The kid LOVES lima beans.
Princess getting her sparkles and glitter.
Then it was off to lunch. We tried 5&Diner with the kids since we had never been there. They loved playing with the jukebox.
Weekend is almost over! Sunday is Diamondbacks baseball game(a first for the kids), Monday is Meet the Teacher night for both kiddos, and Tuesday is the dreaded IEP meeting followup. The meeting better go well or heads will roll if they put me in a craptastic mood right before the start of school!!!
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