Sunday, July 31, 2011

Let your conscience be your guide...

This round of allergy test results are back. This year for Nate we just did the food panel. he is still positive for peanuts, treenuts, soy, egg, wheat, and gluten. He did not test positive for a cow milk allergy, but we keep him off of it anyways. He is also still off corn and complex carbs- so no diet changes right now! Same ol' hard core diet. :) Neve's soy and nut came back not a concern for now-HOORAY!!! BUT she will still be gluten and nut free for a couple years at least I am guessing- so no real changes there except I can ease up a little on restricting soy.

After today we have 9 more dasy til school starts for both kiddos. Wahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if we can just survive the next week. :)

Saturday I took Neve on a Mommy/daughter date to see Pinocchio at the local Children's theater. we LOVE that place. Neve has such a great time every time we go. I forgot my camera (*gasp*) so I was stuck with cell phone pics.

I had planned to take her to Oregano's afterwards for lunch but she started chanting, "SU-SHI!". What's a mom to do?

Nate is doing fine. He won't sit still for photos lately or I would make him pose too-ha! Oh- but his new communication device comes in tomorrow so we are super excited to start that journey! :)

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