Nateman. Love this kid. He actually let me take a few pictures of him today which is a miracle in itself. Spring- absolute stress time for most special needs families I know. Why? It's IEP season. That time of year where you duke it out head to head with the school district to obtain appropriate services for your child. I wish I could say that I know families that have a great relationship with the district and everything goes just swimmingly..that is not the case. In all my years now of living in Autismville, and taking our journey across state lines, I have yet to meet ONE family where that is the case. Typically it is the district railroading the weakest family to save a buck for the district. I get it. They have a budget. Every kid cannot get equal services despite their level of need. Cuts have to be made somewhere and the squeaky wheel gets the grease. It's disgusting, but oh so true. There, I said it. I know some people question my tactics and they can say what they will. I love that family can't support us. I am sure they envision me ranting and raving against a board...when they are thinking if I just talked it out, everyone would reach an agreement. HA! I invite ALL of them to attend a meeting with me. Oh wait..that would involve family support and hands on involvement. My bad.
So let me paint a more accurate picture. If you know me, you know I love a good debate, always have. I come prepared. I do my research. I know my rights,and better yet, I know Nate's. I always have tangible evidence of my accusations and proof of wrong doing if need be. I bring evaluations that support my requests. Most importantly I come with an unwavering faith in myself and what I believe is right for Nate. I love to listen to others and their opinions of Nate, but when grilled it's almost comical on how little they actually know.
I am thankful I am Nate's mom. I know that he ended up with an advocate that doesn't give up or give in to "see how things go". Um, no thanks. Take your budget cuts to your 2 o'clock meeting. Special Needs advocacy does NOT run on honey..vinegar wins the war. I love hearing others rant on about moms that receive the services they have fought so hard for, and how we gloat. Damn skippy we do. Why? If you have ever entered this world you KNOW how emotionally, physically, and mentally draining these fights are...and I earned my reward. I make sure every other parent knows that it's not impossible. It's sure as hell not easy, but it's not impossible. You just have to have a strong backbone. I might have an ENORMOUS chip on my shoulder, but my backbone is STRONG.
Happy IEP Games. May the odds be ever in your favor.
I love the photos! Looks like a fun day. I am so lucky to have such supportive parents, but as for our other relatives, we quickly learned when the chips were down they wouldn't be there. At all. Like, not even a little. And I will never forget that and I hate that it does but it still really gets to me. My favorite line is "we'll pray for you". Uh, great. That really is great, but meanwhile we are drowning here and maybe you could also offer a hand so we can stay afloat a little bit longer. But, you do learn how strong you are and that you really just have to figure it out yourself. Nate's lucky to have you as his mama to fight for him!
Thanks, Krissy!!! That means a lot to me!
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