Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rapunzel and the White Trash Water Slide

Today Neve and I headed off with some friends to see Rapunzel at our favorite little children's theater here in Gilbert. She was super excited and loved it. She was really good until we had to wait outside to meet Rapunzel and she got super cranky. I am sure a lot of it was that she hadn't eaten so she turns into super-crank. Mama does too, so I get it. :)

We got to go out to lunch afterwards and neve loved goofing off with her little friends.

Aaron was working all morning, so we scheduled one of Nate's therapists to come stay with him for the day. It broke my heart when I left because he started crying and saying, " I want Dad, please." :( he basically said nothing to me all morning and then that is what he says?! ) Just killed me out of guilt for leaving him. We rarely do. We can usually work it out between Mom and Dad so he is never without one of us. Clearly, he notices.

So...after the play and lunch we headed home and Dad was there- Yahoo!
We figured it was in the high 90's here today so it was time to breakout the white trash water slide.

Pure bliss. Hard to beat that, right?!

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