Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Look Who's Talking

I mean, who isn't interested in Kirstie Alley's weight loss?!?

Hahahha..Nate is so dang funny. He picked up my US Weekly and attempted to read what he could. Hilarious! I guess I could care long as he's reading!
He flipped through the whole thing. Guess I will put away Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and break out some gossip mags at bedtime. ;)

Nate has also been doing wonderfully in school this year. WHAT a change from last year!!!

Nate's artwork.

Neve is doing great too. She did awesome again this week at soccer.

I mean if the only teammate competition she has is "shirt-eater", I think she will dominate this season. ;)

Nate really enjoyed her game last week too. At the end of the game, all the parents form a tunnel for the kids to run through...and Nate was happy to help with the tunnel this week! Go Nateman!

Neve also has been having tons of fun lately at the trampoline park we go to. The girl bounces for hours at a time and cries when we leave. I don't know where she gets all that energy...but better there then bouncing off the walls at home.

I think that is the wrap-up here. Our Disney vacation has finally arrived, so wish us luck next week!

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