Friday, October 28, 2011

Just Hanging Out With My Ghoul Friends

Neve and her school friends, Waverly and Annabelle. Nice face, Neve, haha.
I got to go in an volunteer for Neve's Fall Harvest Party. Can I ask what happened to good old fashioned school Halloween parties? You know, where the preschoolers dress up and parade through the elementary school? Not here in AZ...bummer. Oh well- we are adapting.
These are some of the projects they had posted around the room from this month..

These were the "all about me" posters hanging in the school hallway. Neve was so excited to show me hers.

They had a dress up station where they could try on all kinds of costumes.

Then they played a musical chairs type game and got to pick prizes out of the bucket.

I had a great time seeing her in action. I am bummmed that Nate's class does nothing though. It is supposedly because some of the kids can't "handle it". Well, what about the ones that can?? Isn't that what the extra support is for? grrrrr. :(

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