Friday, July 12, 2013

We're All Ears! - Day 1

Our first summer vacation this year was a no-brainer....back to Disneyland!! I honestly can't think of a better vacation for our family right now. Our kids are BOTH happy from sun up 'til sun down...and that's not an easy task for our two kiddos.
Neve checking out the park map to plan our day. :) She is definitely her father's child and LOVES maps.
Neve and Nate with Goofy.
taking a spin on the teacups.
Nate's favorite ride in the whole park is Dumbo...and sadly, Dumbo was closed this visit. I honestly felt like we should pay our respects and leave flowers by his gate or something..hahaha...but instead we got Nate this flying Dumbo pail and we put grapes in it for his snack. :)
Neve conquered the Matterhorn (the mountain coaster behind them in this pic) twice this trip. This is a big deal because the changed the bobsleds and you have to ride alone now. She rocked it. :)...and that is just too cute a picture of Neve and her Dad..I need a crop of that one . :)
Ok..much better. :)
Having a blast on the rockets.
I just love these two!!!! ...and look!! Nate's looking at the camera!! woo-hoo!!
This one deserves a frame. :)

Neve and Mom. Love this girl!
more Portnoys.
...and I suppose that about sums up day one! Our friends Steve and Jason met up with us in the afternoon. We just love love love them. I love that they totally embrace my insane children and meet up with us to play. :)
We caught the Mickey parade and then we headed back to the hotel for dinner and some sleep so we would be ready to go for Day Two. I think it's beyond amazing that we still keep our kids on a 6-7ish bedtime routine even while on vacation. :) Schedule is everything for us.
Stay tuned for Day Two's adventures!



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