Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ka-chow! -Day 2

Day two we headed over to California Adventure for the day. The kids love Carsland so we started there.
Lightning McQueen
LOVE this one.
They got Nate to do "thumbs up"...we were so shocked he did it!!
Our friends Steve and Jason came back for day two as well. So much fun!
This is Neve and her BFF Uncle Jason. She is obsessed with him. :) They couldn't be cuter together.
Then we headed over to the boardwalk for a bit. Nate was so brave and rode California Screamin' (the BIG roller coaster) for the first time with Aaron. Aaron said Nateman really liked it, however it was his first time in a "harness" restraint and he couldn't plug his ears! That's his way of drowning out all the background noise. He survived though and loved it. Meanwhile, Neve had a little face painting done. (The SANE choice if you ask me!)
My friend, Laura, and her husband and daughter met up with us in the afternoon too. I have no clue why I didn't take the girls' picture together! They were so cute. I guess it was hot and crowded by then and we were cashed.
This was as we were waiting for the shuttle back to the hotel. Great day at California Adventure!
Day 3 was back to soon!

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