Thursday, November 1, 2012


Neve is in love with the new Disney movie that came out this summer..BRAVE. It's about an independent, strong willed girl. We can relate. :)
Neve decided long ago that she was going to be Merida from Brave, and I really was helpless to stop her. Long gone are my cutesy days of picking out her adorable costumes...welcome to the land of Disney influence I suppose. We decided to make Nate a "Wee Dingwall" costume to go along with Merida. Wee Dingwall is one of Merida's would-be suitors...he doesn't say anything at all in the movie and looks unassuming, but when provoked, he attacks. Hahahaha..sounds perfect.
Wee Dingwall and Princess Merida
Neve quickly realized that the "older" generation handing out the candy at certain houses were not exactly "up to date" on their Disney princesses. They kept calling her Ariel...which pissed off our little Merida. Ha! Good thing she had foam arrows. ;)
So here are pictures of the movie characters for those of you reading this that need a BRAVE lesson.
This is Wee Dingwall.
...and this is Princess Merida.
Nate was so cute about it all this year. As soon as Neve put on her wig, he ran over to play with her wig and said, "BRAVE!". It was super cute. I think he really likes trick or treating..especially being outside at dark.
We had a successful Halloween-yay! Grandma Ding even completely surprised us and drove out here to trick or treat! The kiddos were thrilled to have Grandma here too. Yay for Halloween!

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