Wednesday, March 30, 2011

He smiled!!

Progress has been made. Let me take you back to school pictures of yesteryear...

1st year of preschool- 2008/09

2nd year of preschool - 2009/10

...and the one we just got back today-Kindergarten 2010/11

We are getting closer. :) It's really funny though how 3 years and in 2 different states, Nate is always sitting with his teacher. He is always the class pet. :) I mean, he IS the cutest one so I would sit by him too. :)

I am guessing I am not alone in the Autism community when I say we DREAD picture day. Not because we are afraid of getting a bad picture back, but becausee it is like torture for our kiddos. Sitting still and smiling at an over sized bright light is WAY out of the comfort zone.

BUT we survived another year of pictures at school and I suppose they aren't half bad. I don't know if I posted this back in Fall, but here is his individual pic. He isn't screaming!- so we'll call it a success!!!

...and while I am at it, here's Neve's from last Fall....

Please note that NO children are smiling and WTH is up with Neve's "Flock of Seagulls" hair?? so funny. I have such horrible hair in my childhood school pictures that i SWORE I wouldn't do that to Neve...(*sigh*)
Here is her individual one..
so funny. I will try harder next year not to scar them with my school picture

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