Friday, October 15, 2010

Who you callin' a witch?

We have survived the last week of Fall break. PHEW!!!!!! That was rough. I can't wait to get an aide lined up for Nateman. Poor kid. He just doesn't find a lot of joy in "things" so it can be challenging...and Miss Neve likes to push her buttons (like any 2 yr old sister) and he has complete meltdowns. Ahhhh...somebody make me a margarita!!
Aaron was able to work from home today so he was able to help out with Nate. Neve and I had quite a day. We started out making gluten free banana chocolate chip muffins. She LOVED doing this!!!

Then we talked all about Halloween and made a witch. Neve loves witches. hehehe. ..and since her school has banned all witches, ghosts, devils, and goblins, I guess she better see them at home. :)
Here is Neve's witch. The girl is obsessed with glue sticks.ha!
I am not sure what the rest of the weekend holds. It is hot as hell here still so I am not sure we will pumpkin patch it quite yet. I think Aaron would kill me with all my complaining. :)

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