Sunday, October 17, 2010

So Long! Farewell! Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!

Goodbye binkies. Hello big girl.
This weekend we decided to pull the plug on the cork. Neve isn't quite 3 yet, but it is time. She only uses it at nap and bedtime, but she doesn't need it anymore. It seems to just be a habit now rather than something needed to time to say goodbye!
We have thought about it before but we have hesitated because of Nate. Nate was still using a binky at bedtime, but he was also using one during "downtime" in the afternoon. He constantly grinds his teeth and needs oral input at all times, so we let him have it. Last month we ordered some "chewy tubes", made for kids like Nate, that are a bit more appropriate for him to get that input he needs. We had tried these when he was younger and he wanted nothing to do with them. THIS time though, he took to them. We put the binkies away now during the binkies away during the day now, so Neve won't see that Nate has them either.
We headed off to Build-a-Bear, where Neve was allowed to pick any bear she wanted. We stuffed her binkies inside and told her she would sleep with Binky Bear now that she was a big girl.

We let the kiddos play in the play area for a little bit and they had a great time...

..well, it might have involved some pushing from Nate, but in his defense, Neve CAN be a bit

Nap time yesterday was rough. Neve realized that Binky bear was NOT giving
back the binkies and she kept looking for his pocket (where she assumed he was holding her binky). She stayed in her room for 2 hours but never slept. ((SIGH))
Bedtime was better. After screaming at Binky Bear to, "Give it back!", and clawing at his seams, she fell asleep. Today she fell asleep for her nap with only a small protest. Progress.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Who you callin' a witch?

We have survived the last week of Fall break. PHEW!!!!!! That was rough. I can't wait to get an aide lined up for Nateman. Poor kid. He just doesn't find a lot of joy in "things" so it can be challenging...and Miss Neve likes to push her buttons (like any 2 yr old sister) and he has complete meltdowns. Ahhhh...somebody make me a margarita!!
Aaron was able to work from home today so he was able to help out with Nate. Neve and I had quite a day. We started out making gluten free banana chocolate chip muffins. She LOVED doing this!!!

Then we talked all about Halloween and made a witch. Neve loves witches. hehehe. ..and since her school has banned all witches, ghosts, devils, and goblins, I guess she better see them at home. :)
Here is Neve's witch. The girl is obsessed with glue sticks.ha!
I am not sure what the rest of the weekend holds. It is hot as hell here still so I am not sure we will pumpkin patch it quite yet. I think Aaron would kill me with all my complaining. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

No, Virginia, there is no Halloween...

Well we have been in our house now for a month or so...and haven't made much progress with it, lol. Nothing that we have seems to FIT. :( oh well..that just means I get to shop!!
School has been better the past week or so for Nate. Well, he is actually on Fall Break right now (which is INCREDIBLY hard on him AND us!) but the week before break went well. We "won" our fight with theschool district regarding Nate's IEP and overall safety. He will now have an aide as well as numerous one on one therapies a week. I mean, here is what it comes down to, if you ask me. My son is. for all intensive purposes, non-verbal. He has no real words of his own. Yes, he can label and yes he can script (and I am incredibly grateful as he has such an amazing voice) but the functional communication is not there...and until that day comes, he will receive every ounce of speech therapy I can squeeze out of the district. He will now receive 3 sessions of speech, on different days, of one on one therapy in addition to all of the group sessions he receieves. I am happy with this. For now, lol. ...and this is just in the area of speech therapy. Don't get me starte don the rest. :)
Anyway- we won. They caved on all issues and agreed with my requests (see:demands).woot woot!
Nate also has stopped getting hurt at school. Finally. He still has scars on his face from Lil' Wolverine, but he will survive. It gives him street cred.
On to Miss Neve. She is still doing great. Her new thing is that she has renamed our entire family. We all live in Gabbaland now. She is Muno. I am Foofa. Nate is Brobee. Aaron is Plex. Grandma is Toodee. ..and of course Glenn the cat is DJ Lance Rock. SHE named us all and it's pretty funny. I love her little imagination. Here are some fun pics of her fromteh other day. She liked gettingher picture taken and Nateman doens't. :( I wish I could get more pics of my handsome guy, but I hate torturing him. He whines when the camera comes out so I stop pushing it. Anyway, in case you were wondering why he isn't in many pictures...

Halloween is on the way. Neve is so excited to dress up. Nate just wants to wear normal we will do our best. :)
Our neighborhood is beyond lame. It is an LDS neighborhood that refuses to celebrate Halloween as it falls on a Sunday. Lovely. I am not really sure what our backup plan is yet. Maybe we should hit up Leisure World (aka Seizure World), which is the retirement community near us. I am out of options. I used to love Halloween. We miss home.