This weekend we decided to pull the plug on the cork. Neve isn't quite 3 yet, but it is time. She only uses it at nap and bedtime, but she doesn't need it anymore. It seems to just be a habit now rather than something needed to time to say goodbye!
We have thought about it before but we have hesitated because of Nate. Nate was still using a binky at bedtime, but he was also using one during "downtime" in the afternoon. He constantly grinds his teeth and needs oral input at all times, so we let him have it. Last month we ordered some "chewy tubes", made for kids like Nate, that are a bit more appropriate for him to get that input he needs. We had tried these when he was younger and he wanted nothing to do with them. THIS time though, he took to them. We put the binkies away now during the binkies away during the day now, so Neve won't see that Nate has them either.
We headed off to Build-a-Bear, where Neve was allowed to pick any bear she wanted. We stuffed her binkies inside and told her she would sleep with Binky Bear now that she was a big girl.
We let the kiddos play in the play area for a little bit and they had a great time...
..well, it might have involved some pushing from Nate, but in his defense, Neve CAN be a bit
back the binkies and she kept looking for his pocket (where she assumed he was holding her binky). She stayed in her room for 2 hours but never slept. ((SIGH))
Bedtime was better. After screaming at Binky Bear to, "Give it back!", and clawing at his seams, she fell asleep. Today she fell asleep for her nap with only a small protest. Progress.