Thanks to the recommendation of a few good friends, we finally found an allergist for Nate that we like! whew! That took a lot of looking, and lots of BAD pediatric allergists. We retested using skin tests and the two strongest reactions were to PEANUT and DOG- both VERY severe. SOY also showed up this time (a new one)- and due to Nate's restricted diet he has been soy-free for over 6 months now anyway, so we are good there. Gone were EGG and CAT- interesting. Seasonal all were there, but mild, including trees...but GRASS was moderate. The other new one that threw us for a loop was a severe reaction to..GERBIL. lol. I guess they test for all classroom type allergens in children, but I thought that was funny. Maybe they will test for LION and SQUIRREL next time. ha! Um..trying to think what else...no reactions to fish or shellfish, so that is good. He doesn't eat any of that currently, but good to know for cross contamination and accidental exposures.
Do you know yet if he is allergic to horse hair? The horseback riding programs for autistic kids are getting very good results in helping with speech.
love, granny e
He has not been tested as of yet. Nate has zero patience for things that require being still and such- but maybe when he gets older that would be a great option. We are still trying to work on teh ZOO and such- nate shows ZERO interest in animals of any kind. :(
Maybe if he's actually riding and moving he will like the horse. Some day!
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