Sunday, August 30, 2009

Family Weekend

Oddly enough, this weekend was the first weekend in as long as I can remember that we had NOTHING going on. NO therapy, NO birthdays, NO anything! VERY strange for us in our perfectly scheduled little world, lol.
Yesterday we took the kids down to COSI (the science center downtown) and the kids had a great time. We have season passes there but we certainly don't get down there as often as we should. Nate loved running around like a madman and finding mirrors to look in. Neve loved playing "kitchen" and she also got to touch a turtle.
Today we packed up and hit the zoo. The kids did great and Neve was lovin the elephant and the ducks, as always. :)

Friday, August 28, 2009


We Went Bananas!

Well the last few weeks have been crazy to say the least! Nate had an awesome birthday party with a couple family members that could make it and a handful of preschooler friends that he has known for quite some time (and their families too of course!). We had a local children's musician come and perform on the guitar and flute and the kids all seemed to have a great time. Nate had a few tolerance issues, but for the most part he was happy with it all.

Last night Aaron and I took the kids to the Wiggles concert in downtown Columbus. IT WAS A BLAST! We prepared for the worst and brought a gazillion snacks for Nateman to help him through it--but we didn't need a one! They both were transfixed and really watched the show! We were on the floor near the front and smack dab in the center aisle- which was PERFECT! Both kids were in the aisle at some point dancing and jumping around. I wish we could take them every day as it is so WONDERFUL to see your kids so happy.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Registering for the Columbus seminar-If any other parents want to go- I would love the company!

Windows Live Hotmail: "just received this info regarding Nancy Kaufman speaking about in the area in December. For those of you unfamiliar with her, check out her web site

Children Who Struggle To Speak: The Kaufman Speech
Praxis Treatment Approach

December 4, 2009 in Cleveland (Holiday Inn Strongsville)

October 2, 2009 in Indianapolis (Hilton Shadeland Ave)

November 13, 2009 in Columbus (Crowne Plaza Dublin)

SLPs: $195 each
Parents: $125 each
More information on online registration:




Sunday, August 16, 2009

Playful Preschoolers

Nate completed his Playful Preschoolers program (Summer school) last week so we now have 2 more weeks of break before the new school year. My "goal" was to make sure I arranged peer playdates for him during this time, but that just doesn't seem to be that easy. Typical kids at this age are learning to dislike playing with certain children, and that's just the way it goes I guess. It is heartbreaking when you are the parent on this end, but I can't force parents to include Nate. The kids have gotten older and playdates are now arranged as one on one type settings...and I know that the kiddos aren't asking to call Nate. I get it, it still doesn't make it any harder to swallow. ahhh....It will get easier, right?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dog Days of Summer........

What are people thinking? seriously!! I guess it is safe to assume that they are NOT thinking, because that's all that makes sense...

I took the kiddos to the park this morning to let off a little energy. It isn't a HUGE park, but it is spread out enough that I have to keep bouncing back and forth to be able to FULLY see both kiddos. I saw this family walking towards the park with a couple kids and a dog, but it didn't immediately raise a red flag since that is a pretty common sight! Well, sure enough, Nate comes tearing down a tube slide and as soon as he hits the bottom I see this dog run over and start licking and rubbing all over him. OMG. I ran as fast as I could to get there and everyone is just laughing saying, " don't worry, he won't bite!". OMG. Yea, a dog bite is the least of my worries. I am more worried about his throat closing, but thanks. Turns out the dog wasn't on a leash and they said they didn't bring one. NICE. We just can't win. It's like Nate DANGERS are just lurking around every corner and I can't keep the little guy SAFE!

Monday, August 10, 2009

If You're Happy And You Know It- JUMP!

Nate opened another early birthday gift from Mom and Dad- and he is in HEAVEN! he loves his new bouncer with rock wall and slide. He jumps and jumps until he is a sweaty mess! here are some pics of Nate having a blast! The last pic is from today when Aaron and I decided to be the COOL parents. It is like 112 degrees outside so we brought the 11 foot tall bounce house inside for the day. HA! SO much fun. :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mr. Elephant

Here is Nateman and his portable nebulizer mask. Neve always starts screaming, "ell-fin" everytime we get it out which is twice a week when he is healthy, and more when he is ill and has trouble breathing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lance is out of retirement....

Nate is rockin a new bigger bike and helmet now (thanks to an early birthday gift from granny E). He is still a bit hesitant as it is harder for him to control and he really likes using the brakes, lol.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

No thank you, Mr. Richard Gere......

Thanks to the recommendation of a few good friends, we finally found an allergist for Nate that we like! whew! That took a lot of looking, and lots of BAD pediatric allergists. We retested using skin tests and the two strongest reactions were to PEANUT and DOG- both VERY severe. SOY also showed up this time (a new one)- and due to Nate's restricted diet he has been soy-free for over 6 months now anyway, so we are good there. Gone were EGG and CAT- interesting. Seasonal all were there, but mild, including trees...but GRASS was moderate. The other new one that threw us for a loop was a severe reaction to..GERBIL. lol. I guess they test for all classroom type allergens in children, but I thought that was funny. Maybe they will test for LION and SQUIRREL next time. ha! Um..trying to think what reactions to fish or shellfish, so that is good. He doesn't eat any of that currently, but good to know for cross contamination and accidental exposures.