Monday, March 31, 2008


So I was talking to a "mom" friend of mine today and we were discussing that fact that I was not going to have any more children. I assumed this was obvious. She was like, "What do you mean?? The odds of Autism are so slim- do you honestly think it would happen again?" Um- wha??? What the hell are you talking about?! Of course it could happen again and the odds are that it could!
"Families with one autistic child have a one in 20 chance of having a second child with the disorder. In some cases, relatives of autistic children show mild impairments in social and communication skills or engage in repetitive behaviors."
Why in the name of all that is good in this world would I EVER roll the dice? Is she on crack, or just stupid? It made me wonder. I also brought up the issues of TIME that I have and trying to juggle Nate's life and schedule in addition to paying attention to my 3 month old "purse" of a daughter. How selfish of me to just keep overpopulating the earth for fun, when I have a special needs child at home--and the only people there for him on a daily basis are his 2 parents. I thought this just made sense, but I guess I was the stupid one to assume that.

..but I suppose I should reflect upon the person making the comments to me---the fact that she is living beyond her means to raise 3 children and is in debt up to her eyeballs, by her choice. Her teenager isn't far off from college-age and I know she has ZERO money put aside for them---and I just mean for "normal" life. God forbid one of them has something medically wrong with them. My family knows that "school debt" route all too well. I guess you just move forward and try not to relive the mistakes of your own family. I can't imagine not paying for my child's education if I was finacially able...and that being said, I wouldn't have so many children that I couldn't afford their education and a foundation for them to be productive adults. ...that way, when they grow up to have "special circumstances" involving their own children, they aren't hit with the overwhelming burden of school loans that shouldn't be that "special needs" child's problem.

My other girlfriend is starting a journal---of things to remember for when we are grandparents. I think that is an awesome idea. I am mentally on chapter 32.

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