Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Festivus...for the rest of us!!

Holiday Break finally arrived and Grandma Ding finally felt well enough to come visit. Yay! We have been staying busy by hittin the parks and bounce houses. Grandma Ding also watched Nate so Aaron and I could take Neve to the movies to see, "The Muppets". I loved that show as a kid.

We also went out to look at Christmas Lights. We went to the Mormon temple this year to walk around and look at their lights. Aaron and I make guesses on where they actually house the spaceship. hahahah..pretty lights though so we will overlook the insanity, just this once.
I was clearly annoying Nate. Sorry Buddy!

Then we carried out some Hanukkah and Christmas traditions.

Ready for Christmas morning!

Neve sang this for us before bedtime on Christmas Eve. I like her, "Yippee!". HA!

Then here are the kids coming down in the morning. It's super short as Mom Elf forgot to prep her camera and the memory card was full. OOPS! Oh well....

Nate's new bike.

Nate and Neve's new globe.

Nate's new Wii drawing game.


...and of course Nate's letter to Santa asked for "a snack", so he got it. :)

Glenn the cat, high as a kite off of catnip toys.

Neve trying out her new PINK scooter.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday!! Thank you to all our family and friends! Dreading the next week without school, but we will make it somehow...right?!?

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