Sunday, May 30, 2010

Full steam ahead

The school year is coming to an end..we have one more week of school until my baby is officially a preschool grad and it's on to summer school, then kindergarten, then college. :)

IEP has not been officially signed by me since I am very particular about wording. It's all in the details. :) Everything has been agreed to, so now they just need to write it to my satisfaction.

I am posting a video of Nate drawing on his magnadoodle. It has FINALLY clicked that he can draw actual pictures- woo-hoo! We are thrilled. We have been working on a person, tree, house, etc.. and he is flying through them all. Go NATEMAN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG I love it!!! He is doing so well. I feel like I haven't seen him in forever..he is doing great!! Love the drawings. That should be lots of fun for him!
This shows you how all your hard work and therapy is really helping!