Sunday, April 4, 2010

Reading Rainbow

Could we possibly be any prouder of our stinkin cute little dude? I don't think so. Oh, and feel free to cheer for him. :)


Unknown said...

This is so awesome to see! Go Nate. Kudos to the parents and teacher/ aides/ doc's, too. Team effort I am sure.

Unknown said...

I love it! What a great achievement for the big guy!

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful. WOW, didn't know he could do that. Thanks for sharing that... I was cheering! YAY NATE MAN!

Anonymous said...

I love Nate reading! Wow! What great progress and effort. You rock, Nateman.

Eileen Granfors said...

I don't know why google said I was anonymous. That's me! Granny E