Sunday, March 22, 2009


This weekend is birthday party mania! Nate had a party to go to on Friday at in indoor playground, and we DID bring his aide to help guide him through appropriate play. He had a good time- I think teh only hard part is eating. he constantly is asking for food. When he get soff his schedule like that he freaks. He eats dinner typically at 4:00 (becasue he is in bed by 6:15) and when I "hold him off" to eat with teh other kids, it usually confuses teh heck outta him and he just keeps signing "more eat". Other than that, he was very well behaved and Stef certainly got a workout chasing him around! Yesterday afetrnoon was another party at a gym. It was a lareg open gymnasium for parachutes, scooters, etc.. Nate did much better at this one than I thought he would. I think the exposure at Little Gym has helped a lot with that- exposing him to "circle games" and such. The craziest thing that happened was Nate and his hugging. He is always a huggy kid with his therapists, mom and dad, and people he is close to and trusts. Well the birthday girl yesterday has an older sister (maybe 8 yrs old?) and Nate couldn't get enough of her. The MINUTE he saw her he went up to her and held his arms up for a hug and looked right at her with hsi big googly blue eyes. It was darling. It wasn't one of his "squeezing for pressure" hugs. It was a very affectioante hug. Well, this went on and on EVERY time he saw her. lol. She was a great sport about it. He has good taste as she is the sweetest little girl and seems to be very caring. I am sure here mom explained Nate a little, but regardless, she was great. It got to be a joke as nate was going up to the game of Duck Duck Goose and finding her specifically and reaching for her. I think he had a crush.

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