Potty training a non-verbal child. How the hell do you do that??? WELL- it is not easy. BUT- we are giving it a try. We spent a week with the house flooded with consultants from Children's Hospital as well as Nate's aides. We all took shifts in introducing the potty to Nate. He really did a great job. I know this whole process is hard for some to wrap their heads around- such as why this is such a big deal and why we need so much help. My mother actually told me that ALL of her grandchilden need equal attention and she just can't dedicate that "extra" time to Nate all the time. I am pretty sure I will never forget that comment and it's too late to take it back. I guess the term "special needs" doesn't mean anything to her. Maybe if she picked up a book on "working with Autism" instead of the latest Danielle Steele novel, we might actually have an involved grandparent on our hands.
BACK to the Potty Training--Nateman has been doing great. He got over the hurdle of understanding WHAT
the heck the toilet is and what it is for--NOW we will continue on using it appropriately. THIS is gonna be the biggest challenge.
*Pictures of Neve modeling the latest style in headwear...and Nate T. sporting his Mr Incredible undies.(the yellow spots on his back are B vitamins)
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