That title couldn't be more true.
Today is day 3 of Nate's new diet- The Specific Carbohydrate Diet(SCD). I know what you're thinking, how the heck could we POSSIBLY limit Nate's diet any more- he already he eats the healthiest foods of anyone I have ever met..? Well we have been toying around with this new diet for quite some time and we have decided to bite the bullet and go for it. The theory behind it just makes SENSE. Nate's gut is a mess, to say the least, and by putting him on the GFCF diet (plus no soy, nuts, and limited sugar), we have been able to maintain. meaning we have been able to get his poops under control for the most part and flush out some yeast and bacteria. BUT that is all we are doing. We aren't HEALING anything. I long for Nate to be able to eat a variety of things someday, and not have his body go into shock because he eats a cupcake or even a baked potato. How sad is that? Poor little guy. (I find myself saying that a million times a day :( ) SO we are moving on to HEALING his digestive tract and BREAKING THE VICIOUS CYCLE. I am hoping this is life changing for us.
Basically we are removing all the complex carbs that Nate consumes (which is limited to 3 of his favs- rice cakes, rice chips, and popcorn), and replacing them with simple sugars that his body can break down easily. This shouldn't be too much of a stretch since Nate LOVES fruit and most kinds are allowed. He already eats meat and veggies at all meals- so replacing the rice and corn with fruit should be an easy transition- or so we thought. Nate is having withdrawal symptoms. He is addicted to the carbs- rice and corn. He is throwing tantrums for it and feverishly signing "MORE" "EAT" all the time. It is heartbreaking. I just wanna let my kid have his rice cakes while he sits and looks through his books. I know he will get past this as we have "broken" him before, but it is never easy. It is so hard to know that you are BOUND to this diet and the reality is that he will never be a kid that we can take to a ballgame and grab a hot dog. We can never grab an ice cream cone after the park. We will be rushing home to rub on or consume a handful of the 42 creams, pills, and tablets Nate takes daily.