Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kickin' Off the Season- The Power of the Pigtails

This week marked the kickoff of Spring soccer season here in AZ for us. Neve is finally able to bump up a league to the all girls team which seems to be a good fit for her. She has been counting down to this week since Fall..and she was ready!
The team with Coach Dave.

Waiting for kickoff...

Neve and her buddy, Addison. She is SO happy to have a friend on her team this year!

I love this..Neve and Addison flying through the parent-made "tunnel" at the end. Addison looks like a superhero. :)

Here is Nateman..cheering on his little sister from the best seat in the house. (that is one of his chewy tubes in his mouth- dang 6 yr molars are rough for him...)

SO very proud of our 4 yr old girl. She has spunk, that girl of ours.. and you should see her out there. It's hilarious. She might be the youngest on the team now, but she is "strong like bull". Ha! She takes her stance and fends for if we can only get her to buy into the whole TEAM thing, we should be good. Baby steps. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love,Love Me Do

Update on Nate first. He has been doing fantastic over the past few weeks with potty time. A handful of accidents, but only at home and never in public so I will call it a success! Yahoo! I can check that off my checklist and move on to another big hurdle I am sure. :)


I was loading Neve's preschool Valentine pictures on here and I saw some oldies of Neve and Nate too. awwwwww...I am such a softy for that stuff...I gotta share...
Neve at her first Valentine's Day party- 14 months old.

Nate- VDAY 2009- 3 1/2 yrs old

Neve- Valentine's Chipotle lunch- 2 yrs old

School Valentine's party - 3 yrs old

Nate and Neve this morning- age 4 yrs and age 6 1/2 yrs. (Nate wasn't havin anything to do with "photo time" so this was as good as it gets.)

Neve wearing the Valentine's shirt her boyfriend Trevor gave her - age 4 yrs. old

Neve and Nate both made valentines to take to school this year..and it was the first year they could both address them and sign them on their own! So proud of both of them!

Neve and her friends handing out valentines at school.

Fruit Kabobs! Yum!

Neve had a good time at her preschool today- she really lucked out with such sweet friends there this year.

Oh! ..and Nate made cards for Mom and Dad at school. So so cute. Nate really has come SO FAR! LOVE!