Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hop on Pop

Happy Father's Day!

Neve was super into Father's day this year and crafted 8,000 gifts for her Dad. :) She couldn't wait to give him all of her pictures, paintings, and homemade kid junk.
 This was hilarious. I tried to make a stepping stone with was supposed to say, "Dad Rocks" with rocks all over it in the cement, but Neve had other plans. She said, "We need gems and jewels that shine because Dad shines.". So so funny. So gems and jewels she got.

Nate's hand print butterfly and Neve's hand and footprint flower.

Neve's "interview" about her Dad. Between her dad "shining" and the "skipping around and dancing", I am pretty sure I am married to Liza Minnelli.

Nate's card he made at school.

Then we headed off on a road trip to Grandma Ding's house on the other side of Phoenix.

We went out for a Father's Day lunch at a Japanese steakhouse. The kids did awesome. Neve loves that kind of food and they had fruit for Nateman.

Then they decided to Hop on Pop during an afternoon nap attempt by Aaron. I am pretty sure the kids won.

Happy Father's Day to Aaron!! I am not sure my kiddos realize just how awesome their Daddy is and how lucky they are...but they will. Sometimes it shows more down the road. Sometimes having kids makes you see what a Dad SHOULD be like. I am very blessed that these 3 have each other. Thanks, Apo, for being the best Daddy ever!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

After School Special



Nateman is moving on to second grade and Neve is starting Kindergarten!
It's been a great year overall- such a change from last year- so we'll take it. Nate's big accomplishment is that his reading fluency is at grade level-wahoo!!!!! That is so impressive for our guy. Neve's big accomplishment is that she can read her pre-reader books on her own now and thinks she's super cool..and, well, she is. :) as of today there are 63 days left til school starts. Mama's counting down.


Friday, June 1, 2012

A Splishin and a Splashin

End of the year means WATER DAY here in Phoenix for most schools!! Nate had his a few weeks ago for the special needs kids and Neve had hers last week for the preschool class.

They started by singing some songs about goldfish in the classroom before going outside..

Then it was time to COOL OFF!!!!!!!! They had tons of fun. I mean, who wouldn't?!

The girls loading the water shooters to take on the boys. :)

Neve and her buddy, Jazelle.

Next was water balloon time!!



3 of her preschool pals are moving on to Kindergarten as well..she is super sad to leave her other friends behind....but hopefully she gets at least ONE of her buddies in her class next year! We shall see!