Can you hear my ENORMOUS sigh of relief?
I am still in shock as it just doesn't seem possible that Neve can be on track developmentally. Our world is filled with challenges and daily struggles for did she come out unscathed?? How is that even possible? ...but I am learning to not question it and just love the heck out of my little wondergirl. I hope the world always comes easy for her and she can always have her eyes wide open to see how that isn't the case for so many other kiddos. I promise you I will raise my daughter to be her brother's biggest advocate and to see how important it is to make a difference for those around her.
There are a lot of changes going on at our house (BIG ONES!) and hopefully we can fill everyone in on the details soon. After the first week in May we should have Nate's schooling issues secured and we won't be in HUSH HUSH mode anymore.
IN THE MEANTIME, we won a huge battle with the school district on Summer programming for Nateman. The school district seems to think that it's acceptable to turn special needs kids away for a 12 week summer break and expect the kids to pick up where they left off in the Fall. Excuse me? I don't think so. Not on my watch. SO, after months of proving my case, they eventually rolled over (even if it was to SHUT ME UP-ha!) and authorized a private autism school placement for Nate (4 days a week) with private speech therapy sessions right at his new school. HOT DOG. :) I am a happy camper. It KILLS me to know the other kiddos in Nate's similar programming in the district won't be getting this. I wish I could LEAD THE WAY- and show them how we could get SO MUCH more for our kids if we just stand together....but that's not the case. Most parents here are hands off..and the ones that aren't are so damn scared of the district pulling their child's services that they don't share ANYTHING. Makes me sick. I know damn well I won my case because Nate's mom screamed the loudest. Unfortunately the end justifies the means. CASE CLOSED. (now I will go rest my voice for my next school battle..)
In other news, Aaron and I decided to take our kiddos to the movies this weekend. We took Nate and Neve to see the Wiggles movie and it was a lot of fun. Nate couldn't contain his cheers and stimmed happily for most of the movie. Neve sat in her seat like a champ, giving me hope for some alternative Summer fun. I brought some popcorn containers from home and they both munched on dried apples. SUCCESS!