Here we go again! The Wiggles are coming to town this Summer- the week of Nate's birthday--how could we resist!? It was actually a lot of fun last time we went and Aaron and I had a good time too. It was insane- you would think it was a Rolling Stones concert. lol. SO- the whole fam is going and we hope we can pull it off with Neve in tow.Hmmm..what else has been going on here?.....It is in the 80's today so the kids are way confused by shorts and short sleeves. Nate keeps trying to pull his sleeves down. So sweet. We got some of nate's initial testing back and I will post some of the number comparisons- overall good numbers so far- so we shall see what the other tests say.The MS WALK was last weekend at the zoo. Nateman did AWESOME. We were prepared for a struggle and maybe a few food bribes..but they weren't needed, I am happy to say. This was Neve's first trip to the zoo at this age and we now know we will have to find a way to get her back- and as often as possible! She LOVES animals and would cry when we pulled her away from something. It is so crazy becasue Nateman has such a rough time at the zoo. It took us awhile to put it all together- but we figured it out. He rarely sees the animals. He is so distracted by the cage, glass, fence, etc.., that he can't see PAST that. There could be an elephant behind glass RIGHT smack in front of him, but all he sees is the glass. He will not follow our point with his eyes. Very interesting actually, and so very evident now that Neve has shown us the way. We are so thankful she joined our family.
It is snowing in April. LOVELY. I hate when the weather teases us and then get super cold again. ugh. Ohio sucks sometimes. Nate just finished chelating another round and we also just finished our BIG batch of testing. Urine, Fecal, and Blood testing to see where we are compared to last year. The testing cost hundreds of dollars PER TEST (ouch) BUT we need to know what's going on in his little body and where we need to go from here. Observation is really a great sign of improvement, but we need to know what the numbers are in his little body. It would be nice to know that all our extreme efforts are not for nothing. We have done periodic testing over the last year, but not the full blown comprehensive tests until now. We just couldn't afford to do it more often than that. I hope we can start doing it every quarter as it would be beneficial--I guess I better go plant that money tree in my snow covered yard. lol. No, I just HATE saying that I can't start a new treatment, or complete testing, or WHATEVER it is because we don't have the money for it. When it comes to Nate, money should never be an obstacle. AGHHHH. It just makes me so sad and angry that we are living like that because it is our reality and we are all that Nate has. Our house is actually on the market, with no bites. We are trying to move and provide Nate AND Neve with a house they can play in and be safe from cars, DOGS, neighbors, etc.... I actually can't even imagine what HELL the whole actual moving process will become so I am blocking that out for now. We did find a summer school for Nate which looks promising. I thought I would look forward to hanging with my kiddos at the pool in the Summer and relaxing, but once again, that is not our reality. School makes SENSE to Nate. He craves the structure and so it shall be. It is expensive, but what are our choices? I am losing my mind as it is and if I had to care for Nate 24 hours a day at the level of care he requires I would need to be put away. I need oodles of therapy as it is if I only had the time. The irony is that all of the anger and disappointment I feel in my family (which is what I need to talk about) will never happen because I have no family willing to understand my son and care for him long enough for me to receive said therapy. LOVELY.