Friday, October 24, 2008

What day is it? Where am I? ..

Whew! The last few weeks have been out of control crazy. Let's see if I can sum up...

Nate had a seizure on Friday, Oct 10th (my brother's bday- which is why I will remember the specific date)- then we had the Autism Walk. Plus of course all the chaos that comprises our daily madness we call life.

Nate is doing fine from the seizure (his first in 2 years)- but along with THAT comfort goes the forever present UNKNOWN factor in all of this. Why did it happen? Will it happen again? What triggered it? Could we have prevented it? and so on.... I swear it's those questions that follow all of this that are actually worse than the event itself.

The Autism Walk was a huge success and a lot of fun too. Nate did perfectly riding in his wagon with his sister.

I will write more later this weekend..I just wanted to post some pics I took at Nate's school today. There is a bulletin board up with some Fall artwork. I love seeing my little guy's stuff up there!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Nate made a friend!

We took a family trip to the park this morning- as we do almost every day we possibly can :) - but today was different for some reason. Well, Nate took a header off the curb and has some lovely road rash on his face, but that's not what I mean. Nate was mesmerized by this little boy at the park and kept following him around, doing what he was doing. If the little boy went on the slide, so did Nate. If the little boy went tearing down the ramp, so did Nate. It was hysterical. We loved seeing it! I can count on one hand how many times I think Nate has noticed another child at the park- and not only that, but was imitating his actions and initiating "play". Wow! It was great. I can tell you we live for those seemingly small moments. In our life they are HUGE.