Nate had a seizure on Friday, Oct 10th (my brother's bday- which is why I will remember the specific date)- then we had the Autism Walk. Plus of course all the chaos that comprises our daily madness we call life.
Nate is doing fine from the seizure (his first in 2 years)- but along with THAT comfort goes the forever present UNKNOWN factor in all of this. Why did it happen? Will it happen again? What triggered it? Could we have prevented it? and so on.... I swear it's those questions that follow all of this that are actually worse than the event itself.
The Autism Walk was a huge success and a lot of fun too. Nate did perfectly riding in his wagon with his sister.
I will write more later this weekend..I just wanted to post some pics I took at Nate's school today. There is a bulletin board up with some Fall artwork. I love seeing my little guy's stuff up there!