Sunday, August 31, 2008

Too cool for school...

The first week of school has come and gone, and we survived- well, just barely. We have lots to work out regarding allergy issues & tolerance issues, but I DO think this is the right place for Nate. I spent the whole class with him on Friday and got to be a part of his day. It was so cute- his teacher- who is great I might add- took off down the hall of the school on a tricycle and Nate jumped on a tricycle himself and chased her down the hall. It was so fun.

Hopefully we can work out all the kinks this week and get back on a workable schedule. Nate will be going to preschool 4 days a week, and he will have ABA at home 6 days a week--not to mention gym class, other therapies, and play dates! I think Nate will be ready to retire by age 5. :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I don't think Nate stopped smiling at his party. All of our family came into town to help celebrate-which was awesome. We had his party at Pump-it-Up, which is an indoor inflatable arena for kids with bounce houses, slides, etc.. Nateman had a blast. We invited a few of his close friends but tried to keep the number down as to not completely overwhelm the kid! He did great. The playtime was so much fun--we got grandmas and grandpa jumping and sliding with him too. After playtime was pizza, cake, and ice cream (or taters and peas for Nate). Nate didn't fuss while eating with his aide by his side. He didn't pay any attention the the singing and candle act, but oh well. There is always next year. :) He waved "Bye" to all his guests and continued the after party when we got home- wrestling and playing with his cousins.
Overall, the party was a huge success. Well worth all the stressing beforehand. :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Don't get in between a boy and his pool...

Nate went to a pool party with his friends this month. It was hilarious. Nate LOVES the pools with slides so he was in heaven. he actually interacted with the other kids to by sliding and splashing, and playing chase. It was great to see. THE PROBLEM came when pool time was over and the kids were put back in regular clothes. This just did NOT make sense to Nate. He did start playing chase around the pool with the kids and he was doing great so I kind of let my guard down. Sure enough- he made a dash for the pool and I couldn't catch him--he was soaked....anyway, this happened a few more times and it was time to go. Nothing like taking home a soaking wet toddler in nothing but a He had a blast though and everyone there MORE than understamnds Nate so it was all good. :)

Playing catch up...

Wow- this month has been insane --birthday parties, school, family visiting, etc..-- I will attempt to post a bunch of "catch up" entries over the next few days.....sorry I haven't been able to keep up this month!!