We have had an insane week- that is for sure. Swim lessons have started. Nate LOVES being there. Taking part in the group games and activities is rough (same a s Little Gym), but he enjoys every second of the slides and running under a water sprinkler.
We had our 2 day start-up with Children's Hospital IBI here at the house. It went really well and I think we have a great team. Nate will certainly have his ups and downs, but it will be good for him I think. I think 5-6 hours a day of WORK for any 2 1/2 year old would be exhausting!
Nate's biomed test results are still trickling in. We received his yeast test which shows his yeast and bacterial counts are off the charts high. We all assumed that. The normal range for a certain kind of bacteria is 0-150, with the median being 75. Nate's is 862, which is more than 10 times the average. We are counting the days til our next doc appt so we can start medication to remove the yeast and bacteria as well as starting probiaotics. Along with that comes the worst news of all. We have to remove sugar from his diet, almost completely. This includes all natural forms of sugar (fruit) and starch that his body is transforming into sugar. UGH! This doesn't leave a whole lot left for the ol' dinner table. Most veggies he can have, although he won't touch them. He is eating ground beef and ground turkey though, so it is SOMETHING I guess. He won't starve.